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10/04/16 8:09 PM

#111551 RE: Bud-Wiser #109530

Heres my post from 2 weeks ago predicting no news on Production Run and Walmart Meeting Excuse..Man..Am I good or what ??? All forecasts are coming to fruition...Here it is

The news is coming....Will read something like this.....

"We regretfully need to inform all shareholders that the Poo Poo Production run that was suppose to commence in September has been delayed due to circumstances beyond our control...We still fully " INTEND" to have a production run sometime in 2016.. Since the " Run" has been postponed and we have nothing solid to show Walmart at this time, that meeting has been rescheduled with a tentative date of Mid December...Not to worry though , we ( THE SURF & TURF ) crew did not screw the shareholders for a 4th time....Rome wasn't built in 1 day....Sincerely, Toby & Crew..."

The Sheep are now on the edge of the Cliff and the Slaughter is almost over...Final Score
Toby and Posse AKA SURF & TURF CREW 4....Multi Generations of Investors 0 ( ZERO )...4 Generations of Investors Slaughtered....The Truth Hurts......AS ALWAYS>>>JUST KEEPING IT REAL !!