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09/22/16 7:03 PM

#10193 RE: bluehorsesho #10191

But the Wocket was released, and it works for the most part.

The issue with the Wocket was that people didn't want to buy it. NXTD was completely capable of developing, manufacturing and delivering the product. Their customer support is actually pretty decent as well.

But, if you can't sell your product, it's a failure. This time things are different, and it's much better for NXTD.

This time they are selling B2B. There is no concern about marketing or distributing the Flye card. That's all taken care of on the WV side. The only thing NXTD needs to do is develop a card that works, and ship it to WV.

They were able to develop the Wocket and ship it before, and that was from scratch. Based on that information I think it is a solid bet to assume that they will be able to manufacture and deliver working cards, on time, for the beta program in ~2 months.

Gino recently stated that the Flye cards start shipping next month, and WV payments of $2.5M will come in return.

I understand your wanting to see "real numbers," I think most of us still in NXTD are waiting on the same thing. It's put up or shut up time.

So, with that information in hand, there's no reason to assume the worst. Things are looking very good for the medium to long term. (dilution soon though, maybe?)