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07/27/03 1:25 AM

#1919 RE: mingwan0 #1918

Ming -- thanks. I believe the paper published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences is the one I was referring to. There was mention earlier in the year that two papers were scheduled for publication -- one at the end of July and the second in winter.
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07/27/03 7:10 AM

#1923 RE: mingwan0 #1918

Ming. thanks. I to was thinking Dnap was going into international expansion with the International patents applyed for.

The Dragon Venture via Zengen via PRB Pharmaceutical via Lee's Lic. & Distrribution rights.

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07/27/03 4:46 PM

#1934 RE: mingwan0 #1918

So I guess that begs the question: why such a discrepancy? (you knew that was coming. lol)

I guess the easy answer is that the dozen or so public companies that are screening the genome are already locked into a particular research method and can't change course without incurring substantial setbacks. Just think how expensive it would be for Dnaprint to alter its research focus at this point - we couldn't do it. University research departments aren't stratified by layers of management and have more flexible design teams.

But I wonder if there's not a better, less obvious reason.