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09/20/16 5:42 PM

#87975 RE: murrayhill #87974

The image

of that beat up packaging of the Treo / Odyssey? Sitting on the Circuit City shelf. I got excited and told my girlfriend, "look at that; EDIG built it". I had a couple friends buy them and said they were great for skiing. What HAPPEN?

All I remember was we are waiting for content providers? DRM Management problems? Wow an opportunity lost.

You would think that somehow EDIG could have found a partner? I remember Samsung?

How is EDIG going to make it to NASDAQ?


09/20/16 7:42 PM

#87976 RE: murrayhill #87974


Started trying to sell MP3 players & Christian music afterwards...

He's on a popular social format now... Funny, he doesn't reflect any e.Digital in his background..LOL!

Wish I had been a fly on the wall that week of the SHM!!! LOL!