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09/17/16 6:59 PM

#260410 RE: Mistral #260407

The judges decision had absolutely nothing to do with whether this company owned real estate properties. Read the decision because it's quite clear that the case was dismissed because the causes of action that were sued upon did not allow a private citizen to pursue these courses of action. Only the SEC can do so. The 10 B5 cause of action was dismissed because the judge believed that the plaintiff did not rely on the audit when he was purchasing the stock. The judges decision has absolutely nothing to do with real estate. Good try, however the fact that this company paid for and owns real estate that is not on the balance sheet is a fact that will not go away.


09/17/16 7:04 PM

#260411 RE: Mistral #260407

Fast Eddie has a big issue on his hands because he denied the fact that the company owns the real estate and placed that denial on social media. That screenshot has been captured by at least 20 investors to date. Saying that something is not true when the fact is undeniable based on the records that can be subpoenaed by any government agency is absurd. The fact is that Green Bay and MyECheck paid for those properties. Changing the name of the company will not allow those facts to go away, especially while I am here. Those properties are not on the balance sheet.