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Crawford 04

09/16/16 10:34 PM

#75982 RE: zigzagman #75963

You know how long they've been going to "soon" with those products? Where are they getting money for all those anyway? Whatever galena to the alcohol lineup? They can't even get their main lineup of drinks to sell so there's no money from that to support other products?

I'll give you a hint: investors pockets. The company is diluting like crazy. Last year "coinsedintally" before audit financials he had a HUGE LOI then and nothing happened. I wouldn't even touch this stock until the LOI comes to fruition and Jerry no longer controls the company. Then I'd wait to see what the new controller does. Market the product, or just do away with it to eliminate competition. One could be lucrative, the other cost you everything. I wouldn't short, or long this stock right now. If either: (a. Lock in gains or (b. Cut my losses for now and wait and see what happens before getting back in.