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09/16/16 12:03 PM

#40191 RE: topdog52 #40190

What facts. No one new the CEO was going to be stupid and sell restricted shares from another company a few years ago.

Kenny was participating in his first scam, before starting his MNZO scam. He screwed up coming out of the gate. Having not been caught immediately, he might have done the same in MNZO. We don't know yet.

SEC screwed the shareholders by giving the Pantene back to MANZO.

The SEC didn't screw MNZO SHs. Not the SEC's fault retail bought MNZO stock blindly. Not knowing Kenny had set things up so that he could exit the market with his precious patent, leaving behind an empty shell. Not the SEC's fault Kenny tried to set up one last pump for August, knowing the SEC was already investigating him for a past violation. Not the SEC's fault retail bought more MNZO in front of a pump that never happened last August.

The SEC has many faults, but running scammers like Kenny out of the market isn't one of em.