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09/16/16 1:11 AM

#1174 RE: Congo Mining #1173

Seems the risk of a going concern was the risk of the concern going away. Impact on liquidity: a positive to be newly unsaddled of significant debt, Preferreds, and commons. We're talking ATLS owns just two percent ownership of Titan Energy, correct?
"Raises significant risks" seems disingenuous, often referred to as a lie. Investing buyers understand the nuanced communication.
ATLS seems is/was the play, Titan Energy commons as collateralizing Atlas' equity. Neat. Crafty.
Yet, do you think Titan Energy to move likewise in measure? Not digging the illiquidity thus far. 5.4M shares is silly, built to not be traded. I pulled quote from my broker's trading desk today, as TTEN trades on the Grays. Was something like .27 by .317. Something like about 1,000 shares traded... yesterday. Nada today. Again, silliness. Was provided ability to trade and with displayed quote spread a few days ago online, but no more. Now have to call broker to find out and for ability to trade.


09/16/16 8:08 PM

#1176 RE: Congo Mining #1173

Up another 14% today. You in ATLS?