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09/14/16 8:10 AM

#31768 RE: Hole shot King #31767

The 8K would only be necessary if the money was substantial. I'm guessing at this point, substantial would be over $500-$800,000. I think they have three days to file the 8K, but, I think you're right, it would be out today.

It also could be like most POW! movie deals, it's only option money ($1,000-$10,000).

Even if there is no 8K, we should know when the Q3 report comes out in November. I would also expect this to be a topic discussed at the Comikaze Expo.

But, yeah, the news is all over the place. Maybe Stan will spill some news in additional interviews.


09/14/16 4:08 PM

#31770 RE: Hole shot King #31767

Still no 8K. I'm thinking this was a big deal. The article said that Stan was represented by CAA, which looks like a top agency. I doubt they would have bothered on a standard POWN (no money) deal.

I'm guessing we may not know for sure until either more news comes out or the next 10Q, whichever comes first.