So what was Elite's net profits for year 2015?? Just multiply that times 10, and we can predict the Elite acquisition price.
Now, lets see...Oops!! Elite has a NEGATIVE NET PROFIT for 2015.. That means if Elite wishes to be acquired, they'd have to pay the acquirer 10x the amount of $$$ NET LOSSES last year, according to your acquisition model.
Sounds like maybe this talk about Elite being acquired is a lot of BS!!
I would add in my global experiences, that I have had Chinese PhDs and other Chinese engineering graduates as part of my teams in a consulting roll to design Major Pharma facilities in the "first of a kind" technology. These Chinese technical graduates are top of the line reliable team members.
It becomes apparent now that the Chinese are taking the place of the Japanese in the USA in expanding the technical base and Industry for their country. After World War II the Japanese were very active in buying USA technologies and paying a premium to do so.
This accelerating Chinese technical growth/expansion is all adding up IMO to be a major benefit for $ELTP's growth.
This made me think of this Bloomberg article. The graph shows the miniscule amount of legit opioids in China- due to state restrictions. The only way the restrictions will loosen and allow increase in Chinese opioid market will be with strict state controls. I suspect this will mean an emphasis (requirement) for ADF formulations.