The only thing they were thinking of mining when they obtained the mining rights were the "Stockholders Pockets".
Spot on. Les, JJ, and the rest of the clowns running this show were only using MDMN to sell shares to unsuspecting shareholders. If they had been serious about determining the value of the mountain, they would have spent the last 20 years actually exploring the mountain as opposed to chasing the elusive deal with folks like Ulander. 3 Billion shares issued at an average cost of say $0.01, is $30 million smackers. Last I checked, you could buy a decent amount of exploration for $30 million. You would also have some definitive results to show potential suitors. Instead this BOD decided that they would forgo legitimate exploration in favor of bilking shareholders through the use of fraudulently issued shares, misleading PRs, all manner of back door rumors, and elusive deals that never seemed to close. Now, they have bled MDMN dry and Auryn holds all the cards. MDMN shareholders got conned, plain and simple. Les and his cohorts ran a massive scam and are most likely going to get away with it. Your money is gone, there will be no dividends. I'm sure there is probably at least one good pump-a-dump left in this pig following the shareholder meeting but other than that, I don't see MDMN surviving much longer.
If there are economically retrievable minerals on the mountain it would probably come as a surprise to JJ, Les and the BOD. The only thing they were thinking of mining when they obtained the mining rights were the "Stockholders Pockets".