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09/13/16 10:49 AM

#206878 RE: Magnum7419 #206792


Coming clean:

"It's true - the basis of that entire post was exposed LITERALLY years ago on this board...but that was back when I was desperately bagholding after gleefully going "all in at .80."

At that time, I spent nearly all of my free time doing everything I could to discredit those facts in hopes that it would help me make my money back.

It didn't help. I failed - and eventually settled with 50% losses after two years.

SO, now that my two years of bagholding and promoting this obvious POS are over, I am here to regurgitate old due diligence to try to sound smart - in an effort to salvage what little respect I still have for myself after making such a huge mistake.

I know I know - I was adamantly bullish at .80+, but despite nothing changing, I'm now bearish at .30. It doesn't make sense, but who needs sense?

TRTC was my first stock ever guys - so give me a break. I learned my lesson and now I'm REALLY sharp. So listen to me. Okay?"