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Myself °¿°

11/13/16 4:52 PM

#7684 RE: Myself °¿° #5547

Noaa: West Pacific Satellite & Typhoon watch probabilities... <---See West Pacific Typhoon probabilities.
as I understand this theory:
If some of the heat energy from the West Pacific could be expelled in the form of a typhoon, "large amount of surface heat rising while it heads NxNW and slowly makes it's turn N without landfall and ultimately stays intact as it travels West in the North Pacific" would create a vacuum if you will, changing the jet-stream/allowing cold air to drop in on US.
This phenomena could drastically change the 10-14 day and beyond... weather reports.

Current: warmest-sea-surface-water-mass on the planet...
see for yourself, turn the globe with your mouse.,2.41,323

Current wind/surface temp,90.24,323

Noaa: Current global snow and ice "on the parallel"
45-60 globally uneven.

West Pacific Satellite

At the end of this forecast run...

so far away, highly questionable, if you could imagine...;sess=
The graphic on the right is the stratospheric temperatures forecast:
as you can see it stays consistently where it is through the whole forecast run. The Atlantic has already expended its heat from the floor to the ceiling and has moved on through.
but the West Pacific has not displaced it's heat, so winter snow is not being expirienced equally on the parallel.
If a typhoon spun up in the West Pacific and ran its course... moved on through... it would drastically change the overall jet-stream pattern, allowing the cold air to drop from the heavens to US.
Snapshot... beginning of the forecast run... this H500 glob of cold could then wobble counterclockwise for a winter like delivery to US ^

so we watch for a typhoon and is why I'm adding...
Noaa: West Pacific Satellite & Typhoon watch probabilities
to the winter watch links

Myself °¿°

11/17/16 7:56 PM

#7759 RE: Myself °¿° #5547

Oh look what I stumbled on


04/21/17 7:04 PM

#12100 RE: Myself °¿° #5547

Can't reply on PM, was just enjoying happy hour!!!

And wasn't even watching NG prices nor UGAZ, was watching stupid videos with my daughter....

Nice to hear from you!