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09/11/16 6:40 PM

#90095 RE: gonia #90092

There's even more to this case, actually. Not only is there a $1.298M judgement in favor of Sterling National Bank, our good Dr LookGood now has another judgement filed against him by his two former partners in the amount of $400,000, and that's in addition to the $62,500. All Dr. Victor had to do to avoid the $400k judgement is pay the 62 grand that HE HAD AGREED TO, according to court records. He's not even good on the promises HE GIVES TO THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM!

Check the New York State Supreme Court records, active case # 650540-2014. I guess we know where some of the money from the toxic financing went...or is going to go to.

(I'm glad the margin man brought up this $62.5k judgement, because it made me do some more DD.)