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09/11/16 8:51 AM

#87931 RE: redfalcon2 #87930

EDIG tripped themselves up in a lie awhile ago I believe. Remember that shareholder meeting (virtual) where the EDIG employees supposedly had NONECHI on their cell phones? Then 2 years or so later they claim they are working on a prototype of NONECHI to show prospective partners? The company is entirely convoluted. The below is from the March 14 2011 EDIG webcast. I think we can all say they left more of an impression of potential than has actually occurred! Of course that is their stock and trade total BS:

"When they said that nunchi was is cell phones now, I understood that to mean in a test/trial/lab setting (and not actively in the marketplace). They said something about connecting to servers back at EDIG? This part needs a re-listen to be sure, but I’d imagine if it were in the market and we had already sold/licensed the technology with a partner, they would have announced that. I’d compare this to an eVU trial... there’s potential, but no order as yet - therefore they can’t share such details until a contract is signed.

What’s encouraging is that they pretty much implied that they DO have at least one potential partner and therefore a market for this new tech. Again I had hoped they weren’t just developing pie-in-the-sky stuff they might be able to sell, but rather developing something for which they already had interest. It would seem that is the case. Pat saying that EDIG was not a think-tank complies with that sentiment.

As far as timetables we know nothing is guaranteed. There have apparently already been delays and there will no doubt be more. I think Pat said something to the effect of ‘with luck’, they’ll be able to share more information at the shareholder meeting. I’m not sure if he was talking about patents or partnership(s) at that point but we should understand that nothing is done until it’s done.

IP monetization is still the main focus and Fred stated as much. For now that means we wait on the MH ruling and go from there. It’s nice to know that there may be something beyond that business-wise which could also help the company (and us) prosper in the future.

- Sinkman"