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09/10/16 5:18 PM

#356162 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #356161

At this point, I don't think anyone is investing in NTEK the 4K Streaming Video company. As you point out, that's foolish in the extreme, given the massive blatant lies the company puts out with regularity.

Rather, I think some people are investing in NTEK as a scam-producing machine. The 4K thing is pretty much played out, and Jeffy's a bumbling idiot, but his big brother David is the real brains behind the scams, and he'll be out and about in 6 months or so. Investing in his ability to concoct a new scam with just enough believability to con another few tens of millions of dollars out of a gullible public, eager to get money for nothing, might just be money in the bank.

Self-driving cars. That's my idea for the next scam. I'm sure there are pay-to-play conventions for self-driving cars just like for video streaming and, if there are, then there's awards to themselves that they can just buy. At this point, these guys are major pros at running big-time scams.

The truly astonishing thing is that the SEC and the FBI are continuing to allow them to do this in plain sight. Just the revelation that Royal Capital was Foley himself should've been enough to throw the lot of these crooks in prison for 20 years.

But I think we have to take the sheer chutzpah of the Foleys as evidence that the SEC has no intention of ever enforcing the laws for pink sheet scams. I mean, really. They've been doing this in plain sight for years now.

But don't you find it really sad that it seems to work on making new marks? Meow still can't believe after the hundred plus lies NTEK has put out, someone is still foolish enough to bid on this scam everyday.