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09/11/16 7:11 PM

#272301 RE: Carboat #272199

Data from Sunrise is embargoed 'til ESMO. Makes touting impossible, eh?


09/23/16 5:12 PM

#273233 RE: Carboat #272199

Don't you think if there was anything to salvage from Sunrise pphm would be touting that

Peregrine Pharmaceuticals has a announcement regarding Sunrise coming up so looks like there is much more to salvage from Sunrise than you realized. Also... it is not just Peregrine touting some results, it would be others as well... like David Spigel and Rutgers Raymond Birge

David Spigel with AZ disclosure just last year

David Spigel promotion to CSO

So was David Spigel promoted on the basis of assistance with PS Targeting and Peregrine CEO Steve King?

CJ's post below re: David Spigel interviews:

CJ's post below with Rutgers’ Raymond Birge w/Peregrine co-authors

CJ's post below re: CEO Steve King interview prior to Phacilitate’s “Immunotherapy Europe (Strategic Partnering Event)”, Sept21-22 2016, Berlin

Update on the way from Dr. Jedd Wolchok re: PS Targeting combos
"We expect the first results from our collaboration with MSK’s JEDD WOLCHOK LAB investigators [See MSK Collab: ] to be presented at SITC in November [Nov9-13: ] and we will provide more detailed information as that presentation becomes available.”

Finally, Dr. David Spigel on board with Peregrine Pharmaceuticals and we find out the much salvaged Sunrise Phase III : )