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09/08/16 3:35 PM

#45770 RE: JRiad #45768

Very interesting. But extremely difficult, if not impossible, to believe.

So Riad received "fake stocks" in CDFT? If so, then the claim that he didn't know what was going on is not truthful, is it? Because the claim Riad woke up one morning and found out that he had been named to the board AND the signed asset purchase agreement was executed without his knowledge is absolutely contradicted by the claim that he did, in fact, receive stock in CDFT ("fake" or not). So which is it?

And what "authenticated assets" are you referring to? And who, exactly, "authenticated" Riad's purported assets?
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09/13/16 2:13 PM

#45771 RE: JRiad #45768

If you are in fact Joe Riad, you are full of sh@t! Between you, Gary and Jay King, you swindled all of us that believed in this company and invested our hard earned dollars. That's right buddy, you and those rats stole money from me that I earn defending our country. You're a grade A schmuck!
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Raphael De La Ghetto

09/13/16 6:53 PM

#45772 RE: JRiad #45768

wouldn't happen to have directions to that third world villa or a line on some autographed baseball items? Also, did you receive your $10 dividend like the rest of the Syndicate Trust Promised?

Thank you

