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09/07/16 10:00 PM

#254823 RE: F6 #254817

Hawaii Forest Bird Decline Blamed on Climate Change

Sep 07, 2016 Updated: Sep 07, 2016 [no comments yet]


Rats, disease, and climate change are threatening Hawaii's spectacular songbirds
Six species on the island of Kauai could soon go extinct.
Sep 7, 2016 [with embedded video]


Climate change blamed for collapse of Hawaiian forest birds

Researchers documented the rapid collapse of native avifauna, including Hawaiian honeycreepers, on the island of Kaua‘i. They predict multiple extinctions in the next decade, if the current rates of decline continue.
September 7, 2016 [with comments]


Collapsing avian community on a Hawaiian island
Science Advances 07 Sep 2016:
Vol. 2, no. 9, e1600029
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600029
The viability of many species has been jeopardized by numerous negative factors over the centuries, but climate change is predicted to accelerate and increase the pressure of many of these threats, leading to extinctions. The Hawaiian honeycreepers, famous for their spectacular adaptive radiation, are predicted to experience negative responses to climate change, given their susceptibility to introduced disease, the strong linkage of disease distribution to climatic conditions, and their current distribution. We document the rapid collapse of the native avifauna on the island of Kaua‘i that corresponds to changes in climate and disease prevalence. Although multiple factors may be pressuring the community, we suggest that a tipping point has been crossed in which temperatures in forest habitats at high elevations have reached a threshold that facilitates the development of avian malaria and its vector throughout these species’ ranges. Continued incursion of invasive weeds and non-native avian competitors may be facilitated by climate change and could also contribute to declines. If current rates of decline continue, we predict multiple extinctions in the coming decades. Kaua‘i represents an early warning for the forest bird communities on the Maui and Hawai‘i islands, as well as other species around the world that are trapped within a climatic space that is rapidly disappearing.


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09/12/16 6:40 PM

#255184 RE: F6 #254817

Ocean Warming Is Already Affecting Arctic Fish and Birds

Fishing boats tied up at a port in Greenland.
A new report finds that the “staggering” rate of warming in the world’s oceans is shifting fisheries, spreading disease and altering the behavior of many marine species around the world – including in the Arctic.
Sep. 8, 2016 [also at (with comments)]


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09/13/16 2:09 AM

#255214 RE: F6 #254817

Sydney weather: heavy rains expected for Sydney this September

LISA HERBERTSON, The Daily Telegraph

an hour ago

* Heatwaves, storms and bushfires expected this summer in NSW

* Sydney District Weather

* Nationwide Weather Warnings & Alerts

Flood waters are expected to rise in NSW tomorrow, with rain expected along the coast and in plenty of already effected inland regions.


30mm [1.1811in.] of rain is expected to fall in Sydney on Wednesday. Picture: Marc McCormack


It’s going to be a wet week in Sydney, and across most of the east coast.



Sydney is expected to receive half its average September rainfall in the next 24 hours, with a chance of 34mm [1.33858in.] of rain falling before Wednesday night.