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09/07/16 2:55 PM

#254806 RE: StephanieVanbryce #254795

Krugman: "Actually, it wasn't pay to play. It was what is technically called a "bribe"

I'm not surprised at him doing it.. but gosh Pam! you need to go see Jail!


09/07/16 10:43 PM

#254825 RE: StephanieVanbryce #254795

Department Of Justice Complaint Filed Against Trump And Pam Bondi In Bribery Scandal

By Jason Easley on Wed, Sep 7th, 2016 at 10:11 pm

A complaint has been filed with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division against Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over allegations that Trump bribed Bondi to get her drop an investigation into Trump University.

A complaint has been filed with the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division against Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over allegations that Trump bribed Bondi to get her drop an investigation into Trump University.

The complaint filed by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump asks for a DOJ investigation into Trump and Bondi, “The complaint read: “We believe that Pam Bondi, Florida Attorney General, and Donald Trump have violated federal voting laws including but not limited to bribery across state lines by way of a $25,000 campaign contribution from Trump to Bondi during her 2013 election by way of the Trump Foundation in return for AG Bondi dropping an investigation into Trump University. We ask the DOJ to investigate this matter and appreciate their rapid response. Thank you.”

Calls for a criminal probe are growing on both the left and the right. Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post asked why Trump wasn’t already under investigation for bribery.

Rubin wrote,

Why isn’t Trump facing a bribery investigation?

“One cannot miss the giant red flag. Why is a charity giving money to aid a pol with whom the foundation’s head has pending legal business? Recall that after the gift was received an official act occurred, the very act Trump had been seeking, namely the decision not to proceed with the case against Trump University. Right there you have a prima facie case of bribery– a payment (an illegal one at that) and a quid pro quo.”

What Trump and Bondi did was about a clear a case of bribing a public official as it gets. Trump should have already been under investigation for bribery, and his status as one of the two people who could be elected as the next US president makes it vital for the FBI or the Department of Justice to put potential concerns about partisan howls aside and investigate the possible criminal activity of the Republican nominee.

The future of our republic could depend on it.