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09/05/16 7:25 PM

#254630 RE: fuagf #254629

On a lighter side -- 20 brilliant photographs which hugely impressed us in 2015

Sometimes, you see a photograph which summons a whole storm of emotions inside. Often this is down to a perfectly chosen angle or a shot taken at just the right moment. Sometimes, it’s a shot of a stunning landscape or an awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. But in other cases, it can be something as simple as the chronicling of our everyday lives from all around the world.

Here, we’ve gathered together 20 of the most brilliant photographs we’ve seen this year. Some are amusing, some exciting, and others simply wonderful.


09/05/16 7:29 PM

#254631 RE: fuagf #254629


I hate to say this but anyone who can support a woman who sold our

country out and transmitted classified information and had our spies

killed and Benghazi soldiers and ambassadors killed either don't care

what she does or is not to bright. I forgot she can even remember ever

being briefed on how to handle classified information. I forgot the

she couldn't tell congress the truth and lied about servers and e mails.

Tell me how many people she and Bill have hired working for companies

they owned. Oops I forgot they got millions and millions on government

pensions. Can you picture Bill running down the runway in Phoenix and

knocking on her plane door hollering it's me Bill Loretta we need to

talk. I want to tell you about my golf game. If it was anyone but

Hillary they would be in prison, Benedict Arnold would look like a boy

scout compared to her.If I was you I sure wouldn't tell anyone I support

this behavior. I would vote for a rattle snake before her.


janice shell

09/05/16 7:41 PM

#254635 RE: fuagf #254629

That's a good article.