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09/05/16 7:12 PM

#351748 RE: big-yank #351744

You have a way with words.

I agree with your last sentence.

The rest of it is inappropriate drivel and is designed around making a mockery out of hard work that people who do good work are completing on at least my behalf and perhaps your behalf assuming that your shareholder claim is true when so many other parts of your claims do not survive my scrutiny.

I am not a lawyer. I do not profess to have the answer to your questions because they are disingenuous. That being said, I don't mind entertaining the circus while in town and you've got elephants with trumpets and piano playing bears.

The way you'd have it, you'd be in the driver seat. You're like the rogue anti-pro-gse-enthusiast; except you don't type with all-caps.

Rulings take time to be written up and there are many courts working in parallel writing up opinions on all sorts of fully briefed motions, to dismiss, to compel, and an appeal against a dismissal order.

I noticed that you have a relatively small position size relative to how much you post about it. It amazes me that someone with an alleged allocation as small as you would be so public in discriminating across the capital structure. Now, I'm not saying FHFA isn't in charge, but I am saying that on balance you seem to lob a lot of opinions and perspectives that play negatively with people's psychology on these message boards ihub and yahoo and to be fair, what is it that you look to gain from this? Infamy when it's over? Going to a Miami circus and saying that you were big-yank even though at every party everyone is going to be fighting over being big-yank and justicehasbeenserved/willbeannouncedsoon.

Whatever floats your boat. FHFA broke numerous laws to steal the GSEs money.


09/06/16 9:20 AM

#351783 RE: big-yank #351744


Sweeny is not in the driver' seat

But from the ?back seat? if she were to release - today - 100 more documents (some "interesting") she could IMPACT the DRIVER in the DRIVER SEAT



09/06/16 9:21 AM

#351784 RE: big-yank #351744

The Perry Appeal is gigantic

yet - the case based on STATE law is quite separate