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09/01/16 4:13 PM

#3002 RE: Marilynt #3001

Yes, I saw those as well. I work in a manufacturing company that expends big $$$ to get the sales it gets and not all events result in sales.

I am just trying to let people know that just because a company hosts or attends events, it doesn't always translate to orders, or even if they do get orders they are not for immediate delivery and may be months out.

Not trying to be a downer, just a realist!


09/01/16 4:27 PM

#3004 RE: Marilynt #3001

I want this company to be a success just as much as everyone here, but as you have shown, we have seen 2 PR's for two events (Conspicuously, nothing about how many units sold). What about the rest of the 365 days of the year? Two events a success do not make.

It will be a long time before this company is a real success, especially when it has to compete with the likes of Taser, who have technology just as good and has been at it much longer than FPVD.

Example: I recently saw a news story about West Palm Beach and Delray Beach, FL bought a bunch of body cameras, their supplier? Axon, a business unit of, you guessed it Taser.

Not very big orders mind you , but if you multiply say 120 units times the number of Police, Sheriff and other Law Enforcement agencies in the U.S., it adds up pretty quick.