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09/02/16 2:59 PM

#4324 RE: mauser96 #4317

I agree with you. A part of a huge market is fine with me, especially as it is growing and EBM is being considered for more parts. It amazes me that some still are shocked when Arcam announces that the 4th quarter will be its strongest as that has always been the case. Just how the flow works. I'm also impressed with the amount of new parts and companies investigating and using EBM . While things are slower than I would like, there are a lot of positives out there and one should not see a bogey man around every corner.

I did not post an ER prediction this quarter as the lack of info was too great and I would have been very wrong had I posted my premliminary assessment as the quarter, sales and deliveries, were worse than I expected, but the overall news is still very positive and as even the bogey men fearers should know the 4th quarter is our key quarter. Overall I'm pleased with the progess, albeit slow, that arcam is making but still wish there was more info and guidance provided.