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09/01/16 12:36 AM

#216 RE: MinnieM #215

Interestingly, this article states there were side effects that weren't mentioned by the

Of all the patients, 125 completed the treatment. Among the 40 who discontinued it, most withdrew due to negative side effects, which included fluid building up in the brain as a result of the removal of plaques. In some cases, this can cause brain bleeds.

Larger trials of the drug involving Alzheimer's patients are in progress and planned to run until at least 2020.

I wonder how many of those 40 had the fluid buildup?


09/01/16 12:37 AM

#217 RE: MinnieM #215

Thank you
I know when the article was posted

Toxicity is a serious issue imo
High doses saw some results, side effects too
(Fluid buildup, Increased risk for stoke)

Side effects may be worth the risk
but scientifically I don't see why anyone would continue to fight the plaque in such a manner

It's dangerous and misguided
Feel like I'm watching a drunk continue to throw darts out the window...

Seems like it's a route for Finacial reasons more than anything else.. Jmho