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08/30/16 8:57 AM

#146634 RE: chipguy #146633

I wonder if this will be overturned or not.

Elmer Phud

08/30/16 10:04 AM

#146637 RE: chipguy #146633

Maybe Apple will get fed up and leave Ireland and Ireland will get fed up and Irexit?


08/30/16 10:57 AM

#146638 RE: chipguy #146633


From the same article you posted, something you must have thought was irrelevant.

>Vestager said this let Apple pay "an effective corporate tax rate of 1% on its European profits in 2003 down to 0.005% in 2014."

Chairman Chipguy to richie campaign contributor, "Oh sure baby anything to please you".


08/30/16 6:37 PM

#146644 RE: chipguy #146633

Nice to see nothing ever changes in the socialist paradise. I guess
setting up millions of illegal economic migrants in guest housing
isn't cheap. Microsoft, Intel, Google, Apple... who is next?

Volkswagen, anyone? Looks like the US isn't used to deal with an economic power of similar size. Not much of socialism here but less of US setting the rules. Better get used to it.