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08/29/16 6:56 PM

#44756 RE: millsryno #44755

As you make the very valid points you pose, and I agree with the concerns, my question to you, is knowing what you know now, would you buy the stock today?

Of course you are a seller, so is a redundant question.

Buyout is best possible outcome today, totally agree, but no, I think you were wise to sell and either walk away, or continue to follow, as I do.

I am looking to market cap much lower to justify the premium imo.
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08/29/16 7:21 PM

#44758 RE: millsryno #44755

If next conference call isn't inundated with questions, there is no way we can put blame on MC & team. I am a believer, but a success story with a stock that tracks to the inverse does us no good.

Well I'm glad I got out last week at $2.50ish, considering the price action today. It was VERY painful considering I was averaged in at around $7.50 and had a VERY large position. This stock has taught me that maybe I don't have the stomach I thought I did for high risk stocks.

Here are my questions I have and maybe you can help me understand the answers. Depending on the answers, I might stay tuned in to this stock and rebuy when I think the time is right.

1) Doesn't the company have the green light to issue up to $10M in offerings, which would dilute this even further? With a market cap of just over $14M, wouldn't this be devastating to the share price? Was this money "earmarked" for more machines?

2) I was really hoping the uplist was going to save this stock, but with the sinking price and no news of any significant orders, how can we possibly meet the minimum share price required to uplist? Do you really see the share price getting over and sustaining the minimum share price needed to uplist without significant orders or another reverse split (and we know how well that turned out)?

3) The company seems to be burning through cash REALLY fast. It would seem that they can't sustain this without HUGE orders or raising more cash, fast. What are their options to raise cash? Won't this have a negative impact on share price?

4) Also, I wonder that with such a low market cap - if this technology was so great, with all the BIG companies involved (dot dot dot), why haven't they bought SGLB out. Let's face it, if the technology was that amazing, the $14M market cap is a drop in the bucket for a Honeywell or's nothing to those companies to lock up a cutting edge technology that could change the industry. Why haven't they?

Sorry to sound like Debbie Downer here, but I've been in this since Dec 2013 and have been VERY patient - too patient and it has cost me dearly. I need to better understand the questions above to see if this is a stock I might consider getting back into...I do like the story, just not sure I understand if this company is being run appropriately with their share holders in mind.

Thanks in advance for any insight you might be able to provide.

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08/29/16 8:43 PM

#44761 RE: millsryno #44755

There is no question that this has been disheartening on a number of fronts. With the increased volume today, more and more shareholders are seemingly deciding not to wait any longer for positive news to come to the rescue.

It is certainly possible that Mark has a major order/contract in his pocket that will allow for an additional share offering at a good price and facilitate the upgrade to a major exchange. I'm in agreement that he has been "signaling" that this is the case for some time. September is put up or shut up month however. The money will run out and there is either a significant order to support the issuance of shares or there is not. In either event the share price will be far removed from todays closing price.