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08/26/16 11:09 PM

#75503 RE: Beth0515 #75500

That is a sad post and one that took a lot of courage to write, especially given the folks who moderate the sister site. I wouldn't be surprised if the post was removed and the poster banned with extreme prejudice. They have been ridiculing us iHub posters for years and yet surprisingly, we were right. How about an apology...I won't hold my breath. FWIW, I compiled very similar DD years ago from some very reputable players in the mining industry; boots on the ground in Chile. Frankly, while this post saddens me and I feel for the person, he was starring at red flags left and right but chose to believe a dentist and an online persona instead of friends with real experience. I hope he'll learn his lesson and maybe realize that just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they want to hurt you...sometimes, they want to help. Us "bashers" here don't have an agenda, we're just trying to help folks realize their mistakes before it's too late, period. Most of us gave been scammed...ever wonder why we hate scammers so much?


08/27/16 10:40 AM

#75508 RE: Beth0515 #75500

The MDMN stockholm Syndrome is strong.. Even after the last shoe has dropped the "Faith" still rides strong! LOL!! You cant make this crap up!
Someone should make a MDMN SAGA Movie like Oceans 11 with all the cast members in geriatric fashion, real true to character!


08/27/16 10:43 AM

#75509 RE: Beth0515 #75500

I highly bet that hundreds of people have thousands of stories just like this, and most all start with, a good friend of mine has a great stock tip! We're going to be rich!! Load the Boat! and ALL end with (whether they admit it aloud or not) "Man I got screwed in this stock my buddy suggested to me!"

Ahhh whats next in the MDMN saga!?? Ill bet they have a plan!

"A sucker is born everyday"



08/27/16 12:15 PM

#75511 RE: Beth0515 #75500


This story could easily be repeated many times over on this board. The person who recommended this stock to me has taken it on the chin just as I, you and many, many others. This "investment" was to take her out of the financial malaise she was in.

I actually discovered Medinah on my own. However, based on the language used in their pr releases, no capital, just forward looking pump and dump statements, it was clear to me that's all it was. So I stayed away from it. Well, until about a year later when my friend, who is truly brilliant and has all the credentials as described in the aforementioned post, recommended it to me.

I did not believe her at first. But later, because of my deep respect for her, decided to drink the cool aid and jump in. I then made the fatal error of recommending it to others.

I have told my friends who lost money on my recommendation that I would cover their losses. There were few who actually made money trading. I was scolded by my friend who recommended the stock when I suggested based on chart patterns, it was a good stock to trade. No, NO, NO she would say. This is one to hold.

There are tailings worth billions she would say. You could pick up rocks with gold right off the ground. My head would spin as I heard these ridiculous statements. Finally, when things did not pan out with the Swedish meat ball, and it all kept sounding like a pump and dump, I recall my frustration as I suggested over a long period of hold that JJ should be ousted. I suggested we should get experts in mining and send ore to the refiners and sell gold if it was so plentiful.

Well, she would say, JJ is the company. He saved it from ruin. He and his father wrote the mining laws in Chile and are very respected attorneys. JJ is up and up straight man, well thought of and honest. This went on the entire time I held until one day she asked I stop sharing her emails with my friends and later she began to get over the investment and over herself with this whole shenanigan.

The lesson here is when your gut tells you it is a bad deal, then ask your head if it is or not and follow your head, not your friend's.

How the insiders wove such tales is beyond me. Incredible that I did not follow simple rules of investing and ignored my better sense for another's idiotic sense.

I will predict there will not be any significant event that will add value to MDMN stock. Rather we will continue to see losses. Medinah is tied to Auryn and its success. I see Auryn going down the same path. NO SIGNIFICANT MINING WILL TAKE PLACE, certainly not enough for MDMN to be worth anything.

Let me ask all of you a question. If Auryn did not catch this unusual insider trading activity during their due diligence, why would I believe its board is any more capable or any better than the previous jokers at Medinah.

If they missed this activity, why would I not believe they missed other material items. I have been criticized for bringing up questions on Auryn and its intent. Time will tell if I am blowing hot air or if there is smoke there is most likely fire.

When the piano man and the guy from SLC bolted, it was time for us all to jettison.


08/27/16 12:31 PM

#75512 RE: Beth0515 #75500

Sorry to hear that Beth.
I would never have guessed that any poster would put that much into a penny stock, particulary when it represented a large portion of their equity.

I originally purchased 500,000 shares at .065

Sold 250,000 at .025 needed the tax loss.
Sold 190,000 at .013 needed the tax loss

I'm left with 50,000 at .065 cost

No sense selling until I need the loss all I could get now is about $500 to $600

I have already taken the bulk of my losses in this stock.

Wish you luck.