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08/25/16 8:37 PM

#2209 RE: ELdorado413 #2208

If there was a ton of dilution or a known promo pump job I would agree with you. But there isn't. No known promos and no dilution at all. And it's not like they are flooding the market with PR's. No one is getting rich by putting updates on a website.

I genuinely believe they tried to create a real merger deal here. I just don't think they have the power to do so. In fact I was told by a guy I trust explicitly that the entire thing fell apart back in mid June or so.

Which is what I have tried to convey on this board.


08/29/16 11:50 PM

#2212 RE: ELdorado413 #2208

Clayton Timothy Smith (Petrolucrum) always "intends" to achieve greatness.

Too bad all he amounts to his a chubby con man bilking penny stock gamblers outta their cash.

TVOG is going the way every other Smith company goes.

Right down the toilet.