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08/25/16 1:04 PM

#350940 RE: budmgd #350937

I think people get emotional about it more because they see how blatantly terrible the treasury and the administration acted against private shareholders under the guise of a crisis.

The very same TBTF banks who: A. were actually responsible for the crisis as evidenced by the fines they paid, B. will benefit as the end game of all this is handing them the residential mortgage market, C. got more favorable treatment for their equity investors in their bailout deals despite A. and B., and D. actually owned the goverment then and own it MORE now thanks to Citizens United.

Corporations are people my friend, though those people are not your friends.

This country is really screwed if this is allowed to stand. So yes I'm emotional about it because this farce, if allowed to stand, will usher in the end of private citizens right to own equities. It's a taking without compensation and everyone knows it.

Blatant corruption is bad no matter how you try to cover it up with unprecedented executive orders. Thanks Obama.