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08/25/16 12:23 PM

#254070 RE: BOREALIS #254065

Coulter Goes to War with Trump And It Is Glorious

Josh Marshall
August 25, 2016, 12:47 AM EDT

Liberals may die tonight because there are limited supplies of those injections they give you for acute schadenfreude toxicity. Ann Coulter has been Donald Trump's biggest New York City white nationalist supporter. She's transformed toadying into a militant act. Just today her new book In Trump We Trust was released, a genuflecting, tour de force of leader principle obsequiousness. As many have noted, in the book itself she writes that Trump can do anything, change his position on anything - none of it matters. She and they are that devoted. Everything except shift on immigration.

So today, the very day her book comes out he shambles his way to embracing the Rubio/Bush 'Amnesty' agenda he spent the last year railing against and using as a cudgel to destroy the Republican establishment's favored ones. She even had an opening book party hosted by Breitbart.

Already at the book party, photos snapped by Twitters journos showed a sad visage and perhaps a growing thunder ...

Boyle & Coulter -

I've been waiting all evening to see whether she'll muscle through at least the first day of the book tour without acknowledging Trump had dumped her whole agenda. It seems not. She just kicked off an epic rant on twitter.

Ann Coulter

Only part he left out was the "hoops" they'll have
to jump through! Trump:"No citizenship.
Let me go a step further—they'll pay back-taxes"
8:53 PM - 24 Aug 2016

Ann Coulter

Trump: "they have to pay taxes, there's no amnesty"
[Pro Tip: "Back taxes" means we pay
illegals $30k apiece in EITC.}
8:56 PM - 24 Aug 2016

Ann Coulter

It's not "amnesty." It's "comprehensive immigration reform"!!!! Trump: "they have to pay taxes, there's no amnesty."
8:57 PM - 24 Aug 2016

Well, if it's "hard," then nevermind. Trump: "... to take a person who's been here for 15 or 20 years ....It's a very, very hard thing."
9:18 PM - 24 Aug 2016

It seems Coulter will be the Dylan Thomas of Trump Dignity Wraiths. She won't go gently in that good night.

twitter links found at the link..


08/25/16 3:48 PM

#254101 RE: BOREALIS #254065

Dumb Michele Bachmann Quotes

Top 10 Craziest Michele Bachmann Quotes of All Time

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images
By Daniel Kurtzman
Political Humor Expert

Updated August 22, 2016.

See Also:
• Craziest Donald Trump Quotes
• Funniest Donald Trump Memes
• Funny Michele Bachmann Memes

1. "I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending." –Rep. Michele Bachmann .. , suggesting at a presidential campaign event in Florida that the 2011 East Coast earthquake and hurricane was a message from God (Aug. 2011)

2. "Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too" -Rep. Michele Bachmann, getting her John Waynes mixed up during an interview after launching her presidential campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, where she grew up. The beloved movie star John Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, three hours away.

The John Wayne that Waterloo was home to is John Wayne Gacy, a notorious serial killer. (June 2011)

3. "Our movement at its core is an intellectual movement .. ." --Rep. Michele Bachmann on the Tea Party movement, CPAC conference, March 2014

4. "Why should I go and do something like that? But the Lord says, 'Be submissive wives; you are to be submissive to your husbands." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, recalling in a 2006 speech at a Megachurch in Minneapolis that pursuing tax law wasn't her choice, but she did so at the urging of her husband because she was certain God was speaking through him


5. "If we took away the minimum wage .. -- if conceivably it was gone -- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level." -Michele Bachmann, Jan. 2005

6. "I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?" -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, calling for a new McCarthyism, Oct. 2008

7. "I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president .. , Jimmy Carter .. . I'm not blaming this on President Obama .. , I just think it's an interesting coincidence." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on the 1976 Swine Flu .. .. outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president, April 28, 2009

8. "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas." -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009

9. "I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me here in Tampa, Florida, after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter." –Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), on the HPV vaccine .. , Fox News .. .. interview, Sept. 12, 2011

10. "But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. ... I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly -- men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, botching American history while speaking at an Iowan's for Tax Relief event in January 2011. The Founding Fathers did not work to end slavery, and John Quincy Adams .. .. was not one of the Founding Fathers.

Bonus quotes:

"Before we get started, let's all say 'Happy Birthday' to Elvis Presley today .. ." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, while campaigning for president in South Carolina on what .. ,, was actually the anniversary of Elvis's death, Aug. 16, 2011 (Elvis was born on January 8)

"The thing that I think that is getting a little tiresome is, the gay community thinks that they've so bullied the American people and they so intimidated politicians that politicians fear them, and so they think that they get to dictate the agenda everywhere." -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, CPAC conference, March 2014

"I was very proud of the fact that I didn't get anything wrong that I said during the course of the debates." -Rep. Michele Bachmann on her performance in the 2012 Republican presidential debates .. .

Read More Ridiculous Michele Bachmann Quotes >


08/25/16 8:59 PM

#254115 RE: BOREALIS #254065

Someone please tell me she is not sitting in on the National Security briefings!

At a Minnesota fundraiser for Trump on Sunday, the xenophobic Bachmann, who hates lots of people but specializes in fear and loathing of Muslims – she once said she wanted to declare war on an entire religion – dropped a terrifying bombshell: she’s advising Donald Trump on foreign policy.