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08/05/06 1:40 PM

#82795 RE: JPetroInc #82794

OT: JP, Thank you for your great comments.
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Midlife Fling

08/05/06 3:00 PM

#82799 RE: JPetroInc #82794

Excellent post, JP. My professional marketer side is battling with my amateur investor side on this one.

My marketer side reminds me that in any nascent industry, "the fields are strewn with lots of dead pioneers" (my equivalent of "let others do the heavy lifting"). So patience is the key...let the early entries pave the way and drop from exhaustion/depleted capital.

However, my investor side wants this to happen now...especially since my marketer side is highly threatened by the changes facing my industry due to my investments!

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08/05/06 3:47 PM

#82800 RE: JPetroInc #82794

***** post, JP! YJ.
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08/05/06 3:57 PM

#82802 RE: JPetroInc #82794

Thank you for your comments JP
Long and Holding..
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08/05/06 4:09 PM

#82803 RE: JPetroInc #82794

JP, great post covering the background on ScanBuy and the risks to their business should they lose the patent infringement lawsuit brought against them by NeoMedia in early 2004.

Here's the additional information you asked about:

ScanBuy purchased some software from International Wireless at the end of 2003;
Scanbuy Inc. announced the acquisition of intellectual property from International Wireless Inc. that will be used to provide mobile devices such as camera phones with the ability to scan and read bar codes. Using ScanZoom, consumers can snap a picture of a bar code on a retail item such as a compact disc or book and obtain additional information on the product via the phone's wireless connection to the Internet. Scanbuy says it's in discussions with several wireless carriers in the United States and Europe

NeoMedia's position is that ScanBuy's application traverses over NeoMedia's IP.

Also, the new law firm that ScanBuy brought in is Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, through their NYC office. Wilmer Cutler was/is? the law firm for 12snap; and through their office in Germany, oversaw the sale of 12snap to NeoMedia for 12snap.

Hope that covers it; please let me know if there's more background you'd find relevant
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08/05/06 4:13 PM

#82804 RE: JPetroInc #82794

Thank you JP

What a great post !! Definitely 5-stars :)

In addition, as Success uncovered, Scanbuy's patent applications covering this space were either non-final rejections or final rejections:

20060011728 Mobile device gateway providing access to instant information

Transaction History
Date Transaction Description
03-22-2006 Mail Non-Final Rejection
03-20-2006 Non-Final Rejection


20050011957 System and method for decoding and analyzing barcodes using a mobile device

Status: Final rejection
02-28-2006 Mail Final Rejection (PTOL - 326)
02-21-2006 Final Rejection


20050004844 Integrating barcode scanner enabled services in existing e-commerce applications

Transaction History
Date Transaction Description
03-23-2006 Mail Non-Final Rejection
03-20-2006 Non-Final Rejection


20050029356 Scanner reader Active-X plug-in

Transaction History
Date Transaction Description
05-02-2006 Mail Final Rejection (PTOL - 326)
05-01-2006 Final Rejection


20050029354 System associating sets of data into one barcode

Transaction History
Date Transaction Description
02-28-2006 Mail Non-Final Rejection
02-21-2006 Non-Final Rejection
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08/05/06 8:58 PM

#82808 RE: JPetroInc #82794


Thanks for the excellent post regarding Scanbuy.

Does NeoMedia have its portfolio of patents recognized in Portugal, Spain, Norway and Denmark I wonder?


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08/05/06 9:42 PM

#82810 RE: JPetroInc #82794

First post here, brought something along that sums up the possibilities here...

(link below)

Let me be frank: This stock represents the most stunningly profitable investment opportunity I have ever seen in all my years of investment analysis. Most importantly, it is the closest thing I have ever seen to getting in on the ground-floor of a transformational technology before the rest of the world catches on.

The full realization of this fortune-builder is still a few years away as the bar code and voice URL infrastructure rolls out. But just look how fast camera phones have taken over the cell phone world. In addition, this mobile marketing technology is already being used in Japan and Europe by over 9 million people. It is now only a matter of time before it sweaps North America.

Got a little risk capital burning a hole in your pocket? If this works out as I fully expect, you will make an easy fortune.

The reason I am so excited about NeoMedia, is the coming explosion in Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM) -- Local search services for wireless data service users -- and NeoMedia will play a key enabling role in this giant technological wave.

Stay with me on this ...

The local search wave is just getting started. You think Google is profitable? Trading at over $400 a share?!? I would certainly say so! You think Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL are doing all they can to dethrone them?

You ain't seen nothin' yet!

With NeoMedia's patents in "GSM search" -- "Word search" -- and "RFID" -- they are the key enablers of these killer applications:

1. PaperClick Mobile Go-Window links consumers to the mobile Web via brand names and tag lines (registered in NeoMedia's PaperClick Word Registry) and entered in a horizontal text-entry bar on the screen of a wireless device.

2. PaperClick for camera phones provides mobile Internet connection through the handset camera by clicking on a barcode -- either already-in-the-market, one-dimensional UPC, EAN and ISBN codes, or two-dimensional codes created and placed on packaging, literature, ads, posters -- you name it.

3. And next is the GSM chip -- which (in order for it to work in a mobile device) requires a license from -- You guessed it!

With NeoMedia's unbeatable patents in wireless barcode and mobile search technology, they will soon be the dominate leader in Mobile Marketing. Using the strength of their patents, NeoMedia is rolling up the privately held mobile marketing world. By this time next year, they will be the undisputed leader in delivering wireless technology and marketing services to cell phones.

NeoMedia's Patent Portfolio

Their strategy is simple ... You either agree to pay royalties and licensing fees on its patents that enable marketing over the Internet to mobile phones ... or they'll buy you out if you can help them become the dominant player faster.

NeoMedia has thus far won legal battles against media giant Virgin Entertainment, AirClick, L-Scan, and will no doubt win against ScanBuy later this year. NeoMedia's patents are untouchable and Virgin Entertainment actually opted to license with NeoMedia through the year 2016 after the two companys reached a cooperative settlement last year. Virgin Entertainment was coincidentally the first major organization to register key words: "Virgin" "Virgin Megastore" "Virgin Entertainment" "Virgin Digital" "Virginmega Magazine" and "Virgin Recommends" through NeoMedia's PaperClick Keyword Registry.

NeoMedia & Virgin Entertainment

Remember Network Solutions -- the company that operates the Internet domain registration system? They were once owned by SAIC -- a billion-dollar, privately held technology company, which later sold Network Solutions to VeriSign for $12 BILLION.

Well, guess what? SAIC and NeoMedia are now strategically alligned and working together to form the NEXT Network Solutions -- a place where companies can register their own unique bar codes to connect consumers to the company's website. And this keyword ownership business is THE REASON to own as much of this stock as you can.

NeoMedia & SAIC

Here's how it will work. Take the word "Pepsi" for example ... Once their trademark is registered through NeoMedia's new registration entity, anytime a consumer sees Pepsi's logo or barcode in print, it can be scanned and/or photographed to take a person to their specially designed website or even homepage. Consumers could also obtain promotional or discount coupons just by utilizing this remarkable PaperClick technology.

ALL consumer marketing companies with half a brain will want to do the same. Why? Simple -- because owning barcode URLs takes you, the consumer, exactly where the marketer wants -- NOT to Google or Yahoo, which both return endless search results.

This IS the future of marketing ... Not to mention a HUGE advantage to marketers.

For consumers, this company's "PaperClick" technology makes searching -- and getting exactly where you want to go -- quick and easy. Local Internet search will fast become the Holy Grail of using your cell phone, PDA, or Blackberry-type device. It will make the Yellow Pages obsolete and end wasted time on the phone and endless clicking on the Web.

I've gotta make darn sure you understand what I'm trying to tell you.

Google gets rich selling marketers "keywords" that take Internet searchers to a list of links. This company will get RICHER by selling the exclusive use of a company's trademark, a "keyword" embedded in a unique barcode, and eventually, through the use of a voice-enabled browser. You see, this firm's technology takes the whole keyword concept and makes it simpler, better, and more efficient -- for consumer and marketer alike.

Someone searching for "Yankees tickets" on Google gets blasted with, oh, about 700,000 responses. I know, I just tried it. But if a marketer owns the voice URL using this company's breakthrough technology, every single inquiry goes to them. A businessman's dream. One that anyone with any business sense will gladly pay a ton of money for. And that is why I believe this tiny company holds the winning cards in the high-stakes game of mobile e-commerce.

Begining May 22nd 2006, registration begins for the new .mobi (short for mobile) domain standardization. With the highest industry support from Microsoft, Google, Sony Ericsson, Nokia, T-Mobile, Samsung, ect ... .mobi aims to allow companies to register and design specialty websites formatted specifically for mobile phones, Blackberrys, and PDAs. Google became an active private investor last December, and already has a .mobi domain registered for their mobile google search.

And since NeoMedia's technology allows consumers to take a picture of a company's barcode, or through the use of a voice enabled browser, consumers will be instantly transported to that company's .mobi website.

A quote from Bill Gates in India's TechTree, on his vision for mobile phones: "With cell phones, we will be able to read bar codes to retrieve information about a certain product. With a camera phone we will even be able to translate a restaurant menu in a foreign country."

Bill gets it -- and this company's intellectual property and technology is required for his vision. And the licensing wave is already underway. In 2004 INTEL signed an exclusive licensing agreement to embed NeoMedia's mobile technology into their smart wireless handset chips. They felt as I do, that they HAD to have the functionality for their chips, and chose to license rather than re-create.

Microsoft is next -- they HAVE to get a jump on Palm and other handset operating system software vendors to gain ANY traction in the mobile race. With Microsoft currently in partnership talks with Yahoo, both companies are putting their differences aside to team up in their "battle for market share" against search giant Google.

That is why I believe Microsoft's new cell phone operating system, will HAVE to license this company's patents. The rest of the industry leaders will follow -- and then the bar code URL domain "gold rush" begins like the one we had with URLs for the World Wide Web.

And that my friend, is why this little company's stock will be worth a fortune. They had the vision ... They patented all the technology ... and now they are on the launching pad to make all of us investors extremely wealthy.

Buy recommendation: Accumulate shares under $0.30
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08/07/06 3:46 PM

#82890 RE: JPetroInc #82794

Do ya think they haven't deployed here in NA is because MMS is not ready in the US market?