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08/24/16 12:47 PM

#482 RE: Pan4Au #481

Yeah, I used to go on Yahoo until I found Ihub and stock twits. I very rarely go on Yahoo anymore. Sounds like someone lost some money and is angry.


08/24/16 1:22 PM

#483 RE: Pan4Au #481

That person is undoubtedly "Ista". He's an ex-employee fired years ago and has bashed the stock for over 7 years now that I have known of. Very few read yahoo anymore because of him.

Current outstanding shares according to our transfer agent is about 359,000,000 and authorized is at 400,000,000. So they have 41 million to work with. When they asked to increase from 300m to 400m in 2014, they stated that the increase was for shares to allow a JV to take place should that happen, but they've since used the shares as equity financing and awarding compensation to the board and contractors. Not many believe them this time. Fool me once.....

There are still things going on which could affect the stock price in a big way by the meeting.