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08/23/16 10:05 PM

#4435 RE: daytrader15 #4434

I do like this company out of most of them. My top 3 and I own about 30 cannabis stocks


09/07/16 11:10 AM

#4504 RE: daytrader15 #4434

Hey Day I dont see any posts by you in the ZYNE page so im gonna talk CANN and ZYNE here. As for CANN I think it sits here at .78 as it has to be at this price for the additional funding they are getting. As for ZYNE I bought some at $8.50ish would you sell here or hold a bit longer. I respect your opinion and trust your take on the pure trading side. Thanks bud. Sorry the other thing didnt work out. It was truly in an effort to be kind on something I was told was a dink shot. My apologies to you.