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08/23/16 9:04 PM

#22729 RE: Sheepdog #22728

V---------------Adam Barnett Fetish-------------V

Maybe the DA has a big "Adam Barnett Fetish."

10 subpoenas is not a good sign for the DA. It means the DA's witnesses don't want to testify.

And maybe the DA is having a hard time tracking them down?

Either way Adam will walk away like he has done so many times according to Ovalle's crappy article.

In my "humble" opinion. ;)


08/24/16 10:17 AM

#22730 RE: Sheepdog #22728

I wonder what the DA offered for a plea? My guess would be 20-25 years plus probation? If so, that would be a pretty good deal for Adam. But then again, Adam always was a gambling type. Watch him get life without parole.


09/16/16 8:44 PM

#22746 RE: Sheepdog #22728

10 trial subpoenas sent out yesterday by the DA. up from 4 before. Looks like the plea bargain last week didn't go too well for ADAM.

So sad.

Considering Jeff Turino just rolled on his scammer friends in exchange for a lesser sentence, I'm guessing the DA no longer needs to plead this.

You know, there was the one stupid c$%@ who used to end her posts in "my opinion". Bish was well known to these scammers. Sad to see she still wastes her life on message boards..