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#253820 RE: fuagf #253812

Donald Trump Popping Popcorn Prophecy

Published on Jul 23, 2016 by yahsladynred [ / , ]

Vote for Donald Trump 2016!

Exposed: Amightywind Kabbalah "Ministry" [comments disabled]


GOD'S Wrath to this World is About to be Sent Prophecy!

Published on Jul 12, 2016 by yahsladynred
This is Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. This video is the first live and in real time Prophecy I received with Apostle, Prophet Ezra from Israel present on April 12th 2016.
Little did we know that in two months on Shavu’ot/Pentecost June 12th 2016 our love would continue to bloom and grow to such new heights and my beloved Ezra would be announced as the co-leader of AmightyWind Ministries on the day we proclaimed to the world our love for one another.

Hebrew Salvation Prayer
Amazing Soulmate Prophecy, Poem & Dedication of Love
AmightyWind Crossing the Red Sea Prophecy

He is the male covering of the Ministry and me, and my true soul mate, the love of my life. He took the place of a reprobate who is now nothing, except for a distant memory, paul hellem reprobate, thief , liar, abuser, ex husband who never really was a husband! Ezra walks in the mantle of an Apostle and Prophet and never shys away from good old fashioned hard work for the Kingdom of Heaven or from the Anointing!

Introducing AmightyWind’s New Male Leadership
Apostle Ezra’s Testimony

We are now equally yoked in leadership and love, where there was only an illusion of a male co-leader before. Both Ezra and I put the HOLY TRINITY first above all else. We thank everyone who supports the new leadership announcement!

Today, 3 months after it was received on April 12th 2016, Prophecy 126 is now released July 12th. 2016.

On March 7th 2016 on what I thought would be the darkest day of my life, instead was the day I first day spoke to Ezra.

Two Anointings Become One!

GOD ALMIGHTY says that our relationship has grown in 4 months what it takes others 4 years, and this is just the beginning! We have to wonder, what is YAH going to do next?

Prophecy Excerpt:
Touch not MY Prophets! Touch not MY Anointed and neither do MY Prophets any harm (1 Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15)! He [Paul Hellem] has ignited MY Fury! DO NOT HARM MY BRIDE! AND DO NOT ABUSE MY BRIDE! WOE be unto anyone who touches the hair of the head of MY BRIDE! Do you not know? It is MY Anger, MY Rage, MY Fury that keeps hell ignited! This day the flames have only grown hotter! Do not harm MY Babies, Bride, MY Chosen Ones & Elect! WOE be unto this world! To call evil what I call Holy! WOE BE UNTO THIS WORLD! Woe! Woe! Woe! It is not gonna’ [going to] be long now. This world is gonna’ [going to] to feel MY Fury! And it will not just be the Foot stomping of ABBA YAHUVEH—but it will be I YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH! Stop testing! Stop testing MY Patience—how far you can lean over hell and not fall in—STOP TESTING ME!

Now Prophecy 126 live and in real time as it came forth—with both Prophets, Ezra & Elisheva, speaking in “Holy Tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts 2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Ezra begins prayer with intercessory tongues (Ro 8:26-27; 1 Co 14:15). Elisheva speaks in tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6). YAHUVEH GOD anoints him powerfully to protect and cover her, and stir up the Anointing to Prophesy.
The following is their blessed, anointed conversation on April 12, 2006, leading up to fiery Holy tongues against YAH’S enemies, and Prophecy 126 coming forth.
Elisheva had been under such spiritual attack, persecution and abuse, she didn’t know if she would every prophesy again. It took this anointed Prophet from Israel raised up by YAHUVEH GOD to mend & heal the shattered wings of this butterfly Elisheva and release her in the spiritual realm—all in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
Witness how YAHUVEH had already joined 2 Anointings together as one. Witness how the Anointing flows between them. Witness the love YAHUSHUA has given them for one another. We apologize for any difficulty hearing Elisheva’s voice. The Prophecy begins at 7 minutes. [comments disabled]


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