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08/21/16 10:37 AM

#5844 RE: boston745 #5843


No I have not been over to the S-twits in a while. Don't care for it. I've certainly read some knowledgeable posts but that's few and far between. Again my opinion is pretty simple: A Hyperactive financial Twitter feed frequented by 18yo's with his/her first Robinhood trading account or the middle aged white male who listens to Howard Stern and Jim Cramer daily and thinks having a Gordon Gecko avatar is cool. Again there's some smart dudes there, just to much crap to sort through to find the gems.

Back to the Snapple dude. S/he has made some rather accurate assertions in the past. Not to say they weren't based on luck, but they were certainly correct with regard to the FDA. Time will tell...As for the pref conversations. Seems your trade data assumptions make sense as the volume would coincide with amounts remaining. Conversion appears to be over as well. I also added on Friday.

As for the retail shorts, history has provided them a blue print to make money but their ignorance and greed will get them into trouble. Remember even with dilution Amedica is still very much a low floater and my gut instinct tells me things are about to go parabolic.
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08/21/16 11:27 AM

#5845 RE: boston745 #5843

Boston // Last Post Today as it's Sunday and I'm going climbing today

Amedica is carrying approx only $9.5 million in TOTAL debt and its decreasing rapidly monthly. On the corporate grand scheme, $9.5mil is most company's quarterly debt payment. Now factor in a soon to be "cleared" product along with published data that asserts and establishes a new gold standard for an approx $2billion addressable market.

New OEM's and distributors. Positive cash flow and positive net income. Total debt liabilities will be satisfied. EBITDA won't mislead. If CSC can grab just a conservative 10% of the $2billion market, with zero debt, Amedica will be a cash cow. What do you think Amedica's established science, patents, sales, and market share would be worth in the rocket fueled synergies of the ultra competitive M&A world?

At what price would it take the Sonny Bal show to decide yes, Amedica would be better served as a subsidiary of K2M, Kycera, Zimmer, Stryker or another previously undisclosed player such as J&J? Some greedy retail shorts gonna get caught on the wrong side of this trade and that's sad because I hate anyone to loose money, especially if it was avoidable.