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08/21/16 2:00 AM

#41182 RE: Toofuzzy #41181

Hi Toofuzzy, Yeah, spending time with Oriana would be good but, well, she is pissed at me because I'm attempting to get her out of the spendthrift habits she learned from the ex. She was yelling and crying at me last week about me always saying no and controlling her, but she is only 23 and has not yet had to support herself.

One can never do everything right in raising one's kids

My plan is to put it all into a trust and have someone else be the trustee until she is older - 35? - or when she shows better judgement.

She was here today and she was angry, but it was not completely clear at what as she had lost all her keys, including the spare $200+ electronic car entry key for the Prius I got her after her Honda was totaled by an 18 wheeler. I bought the second key so that she could be sure to have a spare. Yikes! The best laid plans of mice and men....

In addition to the car wreck, her uncle died 2 months ago, her cousin's wife, whom she really liked, about two weeks later and her grandmother on my ex's side about 3 weeks after that. She spent the summer helping her aunt and that was quite stressful as well as her aunt has never had to fend for herself - went straight from family to marriage to a very nice man but who took care of everything.

So Oriana has had a very stressful couple of months and now it is back to school, which she does not like because it is in Arcata, the so called Emerald Triangle where marijuana is grown, and she has the good sense to not like the drug culture.

As to investing in what she will be comfortable with, I haven't a clue at this point. We'll see what happens when she finishes her last classes in December.

I don't mean to burden everyone with all this, just trying to give you the background so you can better understand the constraints I'm working with.

And, thanks Toofuzzy for explaining your path in the investment world. It helps me see what I have to think about and help Oriana avoid when it comes her time to take over.

