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08/20/16 9:38 AM

#204192 RE: Canna_Trader #204179

The insider selling at this stage is all kinda pathetic if such GREAT things are "going" to happen...

Remember our chat's and the lists of "red flags" and how common shares are just along for the ride? Well due to the non-adjustment of the preferred shares, when the R/S does happen, this effectively shifts almost all equity away from the common to the insiders preferred stock. Basically kicking current shareholders UNDER the train. Choo Choo..pop! was that a common shareholders head on the tracks...

Facts are facts and TRTC is basically killing the current equity value of the common shares to re-build the company for FUTURE growth. To hold or "average down" now at this pps and market cap is way to risky IMO.

Now back at $0.15 you know I was a strong buyer, but up at this level, with loads more stock further diluting the value set to hit the market...expect carnage to the PPS of common shares.