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07/24/03 8:04 PM

#7 RE: acesharkster #6


ENFN: Definitely not an issue for "Sharks"!

Pretty slow 'round these parts, y'all!

mtg. rate:
The rates have definitely been bid up since the low in June, but it's a traders game; their assumption is increased credit demand due to the govt.'s deficit and an economic recovery in the business sector--I don't happen to agree w/ the second assumption. I'm trading on the recent "bump" being a local maxima, with the rates eventually stabilizing. Even so, the rates are historically low, with plenty of demand for origs. and refis on the horizon, IMO. My assumption is there will be plenty of overhang going 3-6 months out. I could, of course, be very wrong!

ENFN's a nobody anyway, not much "Action" around here for AceSharksters!

Good trades to you...
