At the point in time when FFMGF begins selling some of their properties is when we'll start seeing their share price really take off IMO.
At what price will gold have to be for that to begin is anyone's guess, but it will have to begin early enough in the cycle for the potential buyers to profit from the purchase. I personally think gold getting back up to the $1800-$1900 range should really start the buyers coming in. Maybe sooner than that, but we know the potential money FFMGF makes won't really start until they begin selling their properties. That will confirm to the world that the business model is solid also.
Donnelly said they went from a 30 M market cap to a 500 M market cap in just a little bit over a year . from 0 ozs in the ground to over 13 M ozs in the ground . How's that for growth? lol
I like what was discussed in the other two interviews I just posted.
Last week Neumeyer discussed the need to regroup on telling the story and value proposition to investors. He doesn’t believe the market really understands what FFMGF has achieved. The website and presentations are currently being redone to accomplish this.