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08/20/16 9:23 AM

#13567 RE: flyboy8 #13558

by "numbers" you mean sales growth? Absolutely, they outperform in growing revenues, and there's unlikely another pinksheet company with a run rate of $50m in sales, let alone a triple zero stock.

But the market has not honored this fact for years and management has not find a way to make it count. They are facing the same issues that we discussed 3+ years ago: Very little, too little, of all the money flowing into the business, does stick. Operations and the stock market are separated, their self-marketing is negligible, and they have missed every opportunity to grow international ("Tre Kronor New York", "Nativeclicks") or bring in strategic investors (exit by Carl Grandinsson).
The following is still in their business mission published in each financial report: "The Company’s strategy is to acquire mid-size or make equity investments in well established businesses throughout Europe in order to form a European network of communication agencies." Well, at some point that becomes deception.