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08/14/16 9:36 PM

#103306 RE: Drugdoctor #103300

So, when Shane stated in the Shareholder FAQ PR in April that there will be no r/s, was he speaking out of turn? Are you saying he has no authority to make that statement or adhere to it?

If so, why is he committing himself to these comments?

Wouldn't Barry want to stop him from putting those comments in a PR, unless he agreed with what Shane is stating in the PR?


08/14/16 9:49 PM

#103307 RE: Drugdoctor #103300

I think you've brought up some excellent points and sparked some very important and relevant conversation.

These are my thoughts now that I've got my brain wrapped around this somewhat:

From what I can gather from the 10Q, the r/s that occurred in 2012 was when they were a shell company and prior to absorbing Seaniemac.

I would assume that the purchase of Seaniemac was contingent upon this share consolidation.

Since then, they seem to be sincere in taking steps to grow the company by wiping out dilution. Although they haven't achieved this yet, they seem to be working toward this and may be there this month, we shall see. They have also stated that there will be no r/s.

I can't imagine that Barry would allow Shane to release all these PRs committing the company to those comments unless he agreed with them. Why would they even bother to get the LOC, etc if they didn't plan on wiping out dilution?

All that being said, I'm not sure we can judge the current state of the company based upon what happened in 2012 when it was just a shell.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Good discussion though :)


08/15/16 1:48 PM

#103419 RE: Drugdoctor #103300

Great way to put doubt in investors for lower share price. It's all noise. Watch this run