picked up a I little gold last night, 1/10 oz.eagles. tiny little things, ha.
====Jim Rickards====
I think this is the guy talking about sept. 30th being the date the sdr's will begin to be used, and we could lose a good portion o the value of all savings, like every other country with a big devaluation in it's currency. Think he is pushing 2 or 3 books with gloom and doom headlines as well. doesn't mean he is wrong, in fact talks about it starting slow, gas up a little, other everyday stuff up 25 cents, but it just keeps going up. then the usual, must buy sub to get "inside " info, including link to get the sdr's early, when now only "elites can get them" in fact he doesn't even call them sdr's, he uses something else, like "new modern money, or some such jargon.....
but sept 30th was def the day he used.
picking up more hdge for 9.48 this am.