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The Pup

08/15/16 7:19 AM

#19157 RE: YazM #19156

Excellent Post! Fully concur on emotions, etc..
Advise Clients as do you that "dead money" is doing no good at all.
Some are but 3.00 or so underwater in BAC and assume that this will be a short term negative, however, we know better. BAC is in a very "negative" light owing to all the misdeeds and political B/S as a consequence. Therefore the cheap PPS has ALLOWED BAC to be kept in this "channel" we refer to. Some are simply "afraid to trade" and are more comfortable in a do nothing long term position with a solid entity as is BAC. BTW: As you know,BAC has BILLIONS in cash reserves with no place to put it owing to Dodd-Frank.Also, over 70 BILLION washed away in fines and legal fees so that money could be spent on entitlements to "buy" votes.
Now then, one could trade say 10,000 shares in any entity and make back the 3.00 BAC loss(30-60,000)in perhaps a few months or so of careful, planned trading. This is My advice to some who want to get out of this bogged down position. Further, we add that one should NOT trade without much DD and/or a specific set of courses designed for the day trader.
BTW: Having taken as high as Psychology 301 in Grad. School this Writer is well aware of the many "extra sensory inputs" that may be a positive or negative input in trading ,..and more.
GL today as BAC is +.07 in pre market at this moment.