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08/14/16 6:24 PM

#208023 RE: teddibear #208022

Dennis just operates out of common sense, Teddi.


08/14/16 9:45 PM

#208026 RE: teddibear #208022

Can you supply any proof that I am wrong? Can Eric supply any proof that 1000+ is the worlds most versatile cleaning solution? What reliable lab did that study? The word reliable and Winning Brands don't even belong in the same sentence. Was Eric's claim of a 200 store roll out reliable? Was his promise there wouldn't be an RS reliable? Was his comment of several new products coming out in 2015 reliable? Was his web site comments about the Blauaire turbo being a Winning Brands product for 9 months after BlauAire kicked Eric to the curb reliable?
I for one am not a big credit card user and it's pretty hard to buy something online without a credit card. I still prefer cash or a check over credit cards. I don't have automatic bill paying where I have to give someone my checking router number and account number. For all I know that information is going to someone in India or some other far off place. Is it any wonder we have so much credit card fraud when we so easily give out our credit card info. to someone we don't know for a $10 purchase? I honestly do not know a single person that buys their every day cleaning products on line. Why would they when they have to go to the store every week to get groceries anyway? It's not like 1000+ is all that special. it cleans better than some products on certain things and not as good as some other products on other things. They are mostly all like that. Nobody has a product that cleans better than every other product on everything. If it did you would have to wear thick rubber gloves to use it and it would probably remove the color from the fabric.


08/15/16 11:18 AM

#208032 RE: teddibear #208022

What I can say with 100% certainty, and the numbers back me up, is that not even 1% of the people in the US buy 1000+ or any other Winning Brands products on line each year. Not even 1/10th of 1%. There are 330 million people in the US and so 1% of that would be 3.3 million. If each one of those bought just 1 WNBD product a year at $10 that would be $33 million in sales. That's 165 times more than the last year WNBD reported earnings.
So the fact is that more like 99.99% of the people in the US don't buy a Winning Brands product on line and I imagine the percent of people buying them from a retail store is even less.
Now this might not be so bad if this was a brand new company just starting to get off the ground but this isn't a new company. It's old products with a new owner and instead of sales slowly increasing each year they are rapidly declining each year.
Leave it to Eric to take a company with $500K in sales and turn it into a company with far less than $200k in sales a year. And he did it all without his shareholders help. When he treated the shareholders right they were behind him and the company was growing. When he started lying to them and treating them like dirt ales began to tumble. The sad part is that he didn't lean a thing from it because he continues to feed his shareholders one lie after another.