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08/13/16 10:01 PM

#114 RE: Beau1954 #112

No worries at all, this board wasn't created for the purpose of finding employees! I hoped to have people that are too busy to invest, because they are the ones who need to invest the most.

Financial freedom isn't overally hard to achieve if you run the numbers, stick to your guns and actually consider investing a career vs a hobby. Robert Kiyosaki says it best. Once your passive income exceeds your expenses your financially free.

Its that simple but don't quit on my word lol. However back to my point. I want this place to be built by those who have the time to contribute in order to help those who can't. Seems backwards huh? Well in my opinion a person who doesn't have time is probably working their assets off which means they could probably use an additional 1k -2k a month in profits off good investments.

Thats why I am trying to build a strong community of honest investors with integrety. If someone gets burnt they will remember it forever especially in the beginning. I want people who have a little extra cash they can invest with without being in trouble due to loss of capital, to use this board as a means of building up their reserves.

If someone came to this board with $1,000 and found one good investment that yielded 50% in one week. ($1 stocks are very capable of this) thats now $1500 - 20 for in and out fees so $1480. Then next week another 50%, thats now $740 - 20 = $720 + $1,480 so now they have $2200. Quite possible if we produce good results. Say in 3-4 months that initial 1k is now $4k or $5k. Say in one year it turns to $10k now they actually have some savings. At the least they have something to protect them if they were to get fired or something else happens. They have a safety cushion.

That is my main purpose for this. I want highly experienced investors who have made millions if you will alongside people who are getting ready to buy their first share with their tips from work.

So god i write too much, you guys need to tell me to shut up. Anyways I don't want anyone feeling like they have to contribute or they need a good solid reason for why they can't right now. Instead I would love to later hear someone produced a good stock tip and it benefited someone else. I am fortunate enough to do this full time, actually blessed. I love my life couldn't ask for a better one which is why I would love to help others be able to do this full time or at the least suppliment their income. Lets face it todays salarly isn't enough for most people to retire on.

In fact most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are in jeopordy of losing everything if they had to go 2 months without an income.

So with that said if you know anyone else who could benefit from this board in any way or anyone that can bring value to others in any way please refer them here!