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08/13/16 10:24 AM

#41128 RE: ls7550 #41127

Newport always looked like a nice program but that was way over my pay grade.



08/13/16 11:22 PM

#41131 RE: ls7550 #41127

Hi Clive, Re: Newport.............

Thank you for keeping it alive. I'm running it on an old XP laptop that is still very healthy for now. I should print out your instructions for the future should my trusty old laptop decide to have a seizure.

I remember when Dave, Bob and I first got the windows version up and running. The EXE file was all of about 250K in size! The HELP file was about the same size. Nice tight code. Even though it was built for 640x480 screen size the graphs looked pretty good.

On my first Windows computer you could watch the graphs build out (it drew them one pixel at a time) and it took maybe a half second. :-)


04/04/21 7:03 AM

#45219 RE: ls7550 #41127

Long time since I tried downloading and running Newport as per the prior posting in this thread, but seeing a recent revival I gave it a try. The sticky thread at the top points to a old no longer existing link to the files, you have to follow that thread to get to the posting where the links are still valid, i.e. the prior post in this thread to which I've attached this reply.

Downloaded the files and extracted the .zip file and viewed the html file using a browser (that calculates/shows the current stock.npt date). Edited the stock.npt file within the NEWPORT sub directory to change the value to that latest indicated stock.npt date.

Installed DOS box (you'll have to do that for whatever platform you use, for me (I run Linux) it was available in the package manager).

Started dosbox and then within dosbox I ran

mount c: C

and then
to cd to that mounted drive and then ran
i.e. typed windows.bat and pressed ENTER.

Password is not set i.e. just press Enter when prompted for the password.

Alt-Enter maximises the Window to full screen for me (alt-enter again to restore the window size).

Remember when you add a stock it has to have 5 characters and historically most have opted to just append underscore characters to fewer than 5, so for instance MSFT_

Should say that personally I prefer the pencil and paper choice. Sooner or later data issues or corruption/failure may occur, typically at the worst possible time. Pencil and paper records that you periodically digitally scan/copy and email to yourself to keep a off-site backup copy is the more resilient choice IMO.


11/23/22 5:10 PM

#46286 RE: ls7550 #41127

Good day, Clive

I hope you're doing well!!!

May I ask you if the files aren still available?

A googledrive notification appears to let me know that I need your permission to access the files. Is that correct?

Best regards,
