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08/12/16 2:00 PM

#3857 RE: The Other Guy #3856

In the second quote he seems to be speaking past tense when he says "from the moment that we started..."


08/12/16 2:08 PM

#3858 RE: The Other Guy #3856

Human testing: duration is six months
To be begun: Before the end of 2016

Will RXI run out of money before the end of human testing? Yes. That's why the CC discussed ways to get more money (because you can't wait until all funds are completely exhausted).

On the Yahoo message board (that I now consider dead due to their "improved" format [universally reviled, btw], along with two insufferable trolls who endlessly trade insults), there was one poster, Helpme_hanna, who observed that R&D biotechs generally have:
1) The next Big Thing / Blockbuster drug in the works
2) No more than one year's worth of money
3) And are therefore very dependent on upcoming results