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08/14/16 12:42 PM

#11853 RE: acousticbull #11850

I am sorry to hear this sadness.

Yeah they're a real piece of ignorant work...after 8 yrs I see nothing

positive here....just useless tissue pretending to be otherwise.

They are gearing up to remove VNTH, the double website says ALL of soon as the time is right, after the next tranche

of 5000000000000 shares hits the market and they

burn down the remaining share debt...and all retail shareholders'

stakes...then they remove VNTH and they remove us....imo the Nanobeak

site is being prepped so as to screw shockholders who don't have non-

dilution clauses....guessing 100:1 or 1000:1 RS early 2017...they could

care less about the people they screw in the Back of House....they're

focused on telling everyone what great people they are, ferreting away

all intellectual property built on your investment...and keeping things

quiet while the idiots run for OFFICE of all things, all while running

this shell game....

I also have little doubt that the puppets at the top with the deep

connections to big pharma and so on are setting up the TIMING

to sell the company/get it bought out, after shareholders have been

removed and screwed....think I'm wrong? Unlike their garbage and hidden

plans, my theories are SO SO easy to test, because it's a REAL

model with REAL predictions-- testable...concrete...real....what they

are so clearly not lol.....heck, I've even thrown in a timeline for

sh*ts & g&ggles...I've been right many times so far...

Still waiting to hear fascinating stories of Canada to match up with

my 20 yrs of real ones...I noticed the "backstory" sure dropped

more veiled efforts about spear-fishing to goad me into making threats

so he can show me what "sharks" lurk about LMAO LMAO...loserville.

Oh..."gumption" my arse try self-involved delusional little man...anyone

can believe they are more than they actually are.